I never played modded ds2, but i have a lot of experience in modding skyrim, ds3, stalker games, etc. Now for skyboxes, you will install IGP11, open it and select ds2 and set the executable path, then you will copy the skybox files from nexus on the override folder, you will launch the game from here now. The game looks fine as it is and doesn't need mods (compared to Dark Souls), and people should start getting Perm-Bans instead of Soft-Bans due to cheaters. The enb, probably the most simple step, just copy all the files from Kalicolas ENB preset, then copy d3d9.dll from enbdev zipped folder and paste in the game directory. People don't mod the DirextX11 version cause Durante program doesn't support DirectX11, Soft-Bans weren't removed in any version, and you'll get banned in all the Dark Souls II versions.
For Augur of darkness, open UXM select DarkSoulsII.exe, click unpack, and when it's done patch, then extract the 4 folders and a file from the zipped archive on the game directory, overwrite all.